Moments of Clarity specializes in online therapy, also known as telehealth. Using a private, confidential platform, therapy sessions can take place where you’re most comfortable. Telehealth is a quick and convenient way to get help and support when you need it most. There is no need to spend extra time traveling across town or sitting in a waiting room. Once you have scheduled an appointment, you will be sent a link to connect for the telehealth session. Here are answers to common questions about the process of telehealth:
- Can telehealth providers see clients from anywhere in the world?
In most cases, therapists can only provide services to clients located in a state in which the therapist is licensed. Amanda Spriggs is able to provide telehealth services to clients living in Oklahoma, Texas, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, New Mexico, Georgia, Virginia and Florida (and more coming soon!).
- Is it like doing therapy on Zoom?
In some ways, the platform is similar to Zoom. We will both be able to see one another in a layout much like Zoom. A major difference is that Moments of Clarity utilizes a HIPAA compliant platform that ensures your privacy and confidentiality.
- Do I have to be on the computer?
The site is accessible on a computer, tablet or phone. The only requirements are a camera, speaker and internet connection. Chrome, Firefox or Safari 11+ browsers will have the best connection and video quality. If you do choose to use your phone for sessions, please put it on do not disturb in order to decrease the chance of being disconnected by incoming calls.
- Do I need to do the session at home?
You are welcome to do the session in your home. They can also be done from your office, the car (please don’t be driving), or even a peaceful spot at the park. It is important that the place you choose to be at the time of your session is quiet, confidential, and has limited distractions.
- Is there anything to download?
You will not be required to download anything in order to access the platform. A simple website link will send you directly to the platform!
- Will the link change each time?
The link will stay the same, so you are welcome to bookmark it for easy access for future appointments.
Amanda Spriggs is trained and certified to provide telehealth and uses a HIPPA compliant platform to ensure your privacy. Please contact Moments of Clarity today to schedule an online session.